Wednesday, March 20, 2024

First Visit to NYC!

My wife and I just got back from a cruise out of NYC and four days of sightseeing in the city. It was our first trip to NYC and we loved it! We did the normal sites and visited the Statue of Liberty and walked up to the crown. We saw the Wall St Bull, the Empire State Building, the NYC Library, the NY Stock Exchange, Central Park and many other sites. We did an evening harbor cruise and enjoyed the lights of the city at night. We saw two Broadway Shows, Wicked and the Book of Mormon. Enjoyed them both but was surprised at some of the vulgarity in the Book of Mormon but it was a funny show. We went to Top of the Rock and rode the beam for some fantastic views of the city. We visited the Morgan Library Museum which I dearly loved. We got up early on Monday morning and went to the Today Show plaza and got to do a "shout out" which was aired on TV!

We were amazed at the size of NYC while staying in the Times Square area. We have a few tall buildings in Oklahoma City but there are hundreds of skyscrapers in NYC. It is definitely the city that never sleeps. We were amazed at the number of people on the streets at 11pm. We got to experience the crowds on the sidewalk, the NYPD on the street corners or directing traffic, the honking, the street traffic and the huge amount of yellow taxis everywhere. 

We ate some of the best Italian food we have ever had in Little Italy. We had NY pizza a couple of times and ate at many other great places. We really enjoyed this first visit to NYC and recommend that everyone experience that huge city at least once in their life.

Have you visited New York City? Were you amazed at the size and busyness of the city? Have you been to a city even bigger somewhere else in the world? If so, how was your experience?


  1. Oh my, I have always wanted to visit New York City. Your trip sounds wonderful! You hit all the highlights and sights, sounds and foods. It looks like the weather was wonderful too

    1. We lucked out on the weather and and only had one cold day. The rest of the days were perfect.

  2. I visited it once a few years after 9/11 while working on a repair crew so I got to visit all the boroughs. I was amazed that even out in the boroughs, 10 to 20 story buildings were everywhere but looked so small compared to downtown.

    But once was enough for this country boy. I didn't find the inhabitants very friendly compared to around here and there was never anywhere you could be away from the noise and the people. If I ever go back, it will be an in and out type trip to see one of the major Broadway plays, something I regretfully didn't have time to do during my first visit.

    I have been to London which is slightly bigger, but only barely. But it had a totally different feeling the NYC, in good and bad ways both.

    1. I'm also a country boy and NYC was overwhelming but fun. I would be open for another quick visit for a day or so.

  3. I was there in '67 to put my brother on a boat for his junior year in France. Thought my Dad was going to just stop the car in the middle of the street, trying to find our hotel. Nope, it's not OkieLand. Saw a play; have no desire to return to the concrete jungle. Linda in Kansas now.

    1. Kansas and Oklahoma are much alike with a much slower pace than NYC. I prefer that slower pace, but it was nice to visit NYC for a short period.

  4. We went to New York City in 2013. Like you, we stayed close to Times Square and even did many of the same activities.

    1. Neat place to visit, but I could not do it on a daily basis.

  5. For us, visiting NYC was like stepping into a film set. I’ve only visited once but everything was so familiar thanks to all that on-screen viewing with the added bonus of smell and taste.

    1. We have seen several NYC scenes in shows or movies since we have been back and make the comment We've been there" and it looks exactly the same as what we experienced.

  6. Thank you for sharing your trip with us, Mitch. I really enjoyed your photos. We were in New York, but pretty much just the outskirts. We did enjoy seeing the Statue of Liberty. We've seen a lot of big cities around the world but it was always lovely to return to Chicago.

    1. I haven't been to Chicago in years but really enjoyed it. Love the pizza there!

  7. I love NYC! It is funny because I did not expect to so I never made a point to go until work took me there in my 50's. Loved it and have been back a couple times since. Reading your post makes me want to go back again!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I too am late to the NYC party and will probably go back at least one more time.

  8. The Book of Mormons was hilarious but you are right, a little foul themes. Glad you had a wonderful trip, NYC is awesome.
